Lucid Poems


In times of chaos, think peace.
In fields of thorns, cut from the root.
In seas of rage, ride under the waves.

Dreaming with Drumsticks

I knew my soul had a song in it.
I saw my mind had a block in it.
I felt my body had an ache in it.
I prayed my spirit had a life in it.

I believed my life had a meaning to it.
I heard my thinking had a light in it.
I was told my head had a storm in it.
I hoped my heart had compassion in it.

I planted my future with love in it.
I walked my path with a voice in it.
I wrote my poetry with my soul in it.
I knew my soul had a song in it.

London Again

London is the land of train lines,
Grumpy old men, old ladies who are kind,
Christmas cards and charity shops,
Marks & Spencer and Co-Ops,
God save the King but never the needy,
Mind the gap, the homeless, and the greedy.


Waterbeach, greyblue sky cut by doves,
blackbird reaches the treetops,
hedges and fences blur into one,
fields soiled and turned over,
and over again. A saintly place
or just a passing place?
I beg forgiveness for wasting thy time.
I am but a cabbage leaf. I am of the divine.


Silence the silencers. Drown out the drowners.
Block out the blockers. Push out the pushers.
Erase the erasers. Deny the deniers.
Stop the stoppers. Fight the fighters.

Seek the seekers. Welcome the welcomers.
Love the lovers. Hug the huggers.
Make peace with peacemakers. Meditate with meditators.
Talk to the talkers. Listen to the listeners.

Passing Clouds (Wars)

Those passing clouds,
who so cover the sun,
may seem permanent,
but are merely momentary –
transient, moving, fleeting,
like water, washing away.
While the infinite light of the sun,
is as sure and steady,
as our own core of existence.

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